
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:Angela 更新时间:2013-09-04
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Abstract:The development of online trading of consumer behavior has brought profound changes and impact. Consumers enjoy the network to provide more convenient and efficient consumption patterns also in the consumer than the traditional business face more disadvantages. Consumption of China's network hardware and software environment of the defects and lack of trust in consumer spending on the network, the network consumer disputes in large numbers.

In this paper, online transactions to the consumer protection implications and challenges as a starting point, combined with online transactions in the foreign consumer protection status of the environment on the Internet related to several issues were discussed. Online transactions through the problems in the analysis, how to protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers and promote the healthy development of China's network of economic and other aspects to explore and research. Expectations can cause academic and legislative circles attention, thereby enhancing online transactions in the consumer protection legislation, for the network to consumers to create a harmonious, integrity, security, network and orderly trading environment.

Key words: Online Trading;Consumer Right;Judicatory Relief


上传会员 Angela 对本文的描述:对网上交易中出现的问题进行分析,在如何保护消费者合法权益、促进我国网络经济的健康发展等方面进行探讨和研究。期望可以引起学界、立法界的重视,从而加强网上交易中消费者......
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