
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:我是小强 更新时间:2013-09-07
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关键词:当事人民事诉讼权利的滥用 诚实守信原则 民事诉讼担保 滥用诉讼损害赔偿制度


Abstract:As the debt preservation system of the creditor's right of subrogation system originated from Rome law, the legislation on the right of subrogation provisions are not the same. I think we should compare and research methods in theory in the form of the system of right of subrogation do an overview, and then through the case approach to explore and find the potential problem in the process of practice. Subsequently with the traditional civil law" rule of warehousing" comparison, and analysis of China's existing system of right of subrogation in the rule of priority of claim and the system of subrogation right separately sued the rule is reasonable, finally put forward to solve the problem in practice method and improve the system theory of the imagination. In this paper, in order to emphasize " the equality of credit" principle importance as the main line, that " the equality of credit" principle to improve the system of right of subrogation constitution, subrogation and subrogation performance procedures, to achieve a real sense of fairness and justice has a positive meaning, but in China the creditor's right of subrogation system limitation is one-sided tendency to realize the creditor priority. That regulations constitute the traditional" rule of warehousing" deviations, while" trigonometry debt" and the majority of the debt disputes resolution is also not a substantive role.

Key words:Rule of warehousing、Priority of compensation、Debt equity、Preservation

for obligation、Lawsuit of right of subrogation、Debtor’s burden on debt


上传会员 我是小强 对本文的描述:分析了当事人民事诉讼权利滥用现象的原因以及防治措施,从主张建立民事诉讼担保业务、建立当事人滥用民事诉讼损害赔偿制度、加快建立民间调解组织等方面来规制和预防当事人滥......
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