
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:我是小强 更新时间:2013-09-08
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Abstract:At present days, the environmental problems in our country are becoming more and more serious. The environment that human depend to live and develop has been destroyed and become unrecoverable.Our citizens have some rights in the environment-related regulations, however, most of the environment-related regulations in China have not yet explicitly incorporated environmental rights, though they provide the citizens with some rights regarding environment, nor has the Constitution. Such a situation has leading to the increasing difficulty in protecting the citizens’ environmental rights. Moreover, the lack of legislation of environmental rights in Constitution law is inconsistent with the development of human rights.  As a result, constitutional environmental rights become extremely significant. This paper attempts to explore the neccsary of constitutional environmental rights, analysis the main problems encountered and draw on the relevant experience of other countries in this field.  Finally, some concrete and well-considered suggestions will be made to address China’s constitutional environmental rights issue specifically.

Key words:Human Right;Environmental Rights; Basic Right; Constitution




上传会员 我是小强 对本文的描述:本文通过考察我国环境权入宪的必要性,对我国环境权入宪存在的主要问题进行分析,同时借鉴国外关于环境权入宪的经验,提出关于我国环境权入宪的具体建议。......
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