
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:我是小强 更新时间:2013-09-08
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Abstract:With the rapid developments in technology and the wide application of high and new technology, many countries in the word are focusing on the development and utilization of energy, outer space resources and undersea resources, these activities caused great damages to the environment of the country and even the surrounding countries. In order to solve the trans-boundary environmental damage  accidents,the country is undertaking the more and more responsibility. But, at present, the state responsibility system is far complete, many problems don't get solved. Based on the issue's theoretical research value and real meaning, This article mainly from the necessity of existence of the state responsibility system in trans-boundary environmental damage, its plight of application and complete are discussed. Moreover,the author introduces the attitude and position of our government at this point,there are a few suggestions for our government to deal with the problem,hoping that the suggestions in this thesis can work as some useful reference for our government in legislation and activities later.

Key words: trans-boundary environmental damage;state responsibility;doctrine of liability fixation;causal relationship;damage range




上传会员 我是小强 对本文的描述:基于这个问题的理论研究价值和现实意义,本文主要从跨界环境损害的国家责任制度存在的必要性,跨界环境损害国家责任制度适用的困境和完善等方面进等方面进行探讨......
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