
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:陈老师 更新时间:2013-09-14
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Abstract:With the rapid development of science and technology, the virtual property has walked into the US, with our life be closely bound up. But because our country present on the network hypothesized property legislation in a blank state, make the network virtual property right dispute cases have no legal basis can be applied directly to the embarrassing situation. Therefore, the need for network virtual property right for full theoretical research. This paper firstly analysis the variety of network virtual property right theory and viewpoint, and then use the semantic analysis on the virtual property right, connotation definition. On virtual property rights characteristics, the subject of a legal relation object, carry on the analysis elaboration. On the current network of virtual property and virtual property transactions of various problems existing in system analysis and classification, and according to the collected data to the treatise. On the basis of the above, put forward fictitious property in property law and tort law protection, help to improve China's network of virtual property right legislation.

Key words: Virtual property;legal relationship; legislation




上传会员 陈老师 对本文的描述:纵观世界已经制定了虚拟财产有关法律保护的国家,他们都是将虚拟财产作为物权客观来进行规范的。如我国台湾相关法律规定虚拟财产具有支配、处分、转移、拍卖的有关权利,韩国......
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