
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:陈老师 更新时间:2013-09-14
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Abstract:The phenomenon of execution difficulty and execution chaos now commonly exists in Chinese civil execution. Although legislative and judicial organ had taken great efforts to eliminate this issue, the overall effect is limited, which can not meet the masses’ requirements for fair enforcement. The root of the long-lasting execution difficulty is the insufficient legal system. The relative regulations for execution procedure in existing Civil Procedure Law describe generally, with insufficient regulations for some important regime, which are not fit for the development of economy and society. Hence, to solve this, Mandatory Execution Law should be drafted as soon as possible. This paper discussed the meaning and value of a stand-along execution law, and analyzed present issues in existing execution system, additionally; it also made suggestions on how to draft Mandatory Law, so as to fundamentally eliminate execution difficulty.

Key words:execution difficulty;execution chaos;Mandatory Law




上传会员 陈老师 对本文的描述:制定独立的强制执行法,必须站得高、看得远,使其能够满足未来较长一段时期的实践需要,从而保持法律制度的相对稳定,防止朝令夕改或者在修改时推翻重来。总之,既解决现实问......
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