
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:陈老师 更新时间:2013-09-14
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关键词: 醉驾入刑,刑法修正案(八),醉酒驾驶


Abstract:“The People's Republic of China promulgated criminal law amendment (8)”,which is adopted on February 5, 2011, make the formal rules of "drunk driving into the punishment". When looking forward to putting driving drunk through to criminal law, and playing the function of punishment of criminal law, at the same time, we want to know clearly that although criminal law can well punish drunk driving behavior, criminal law about driving drunk still needs to be further improved and standardized, and design and arrange scientifically between "drunk driving into the punishment" and the current criminal punishment system. Besides, the lagging of criminal law, Chinese history and culture, the lack of legal consciousness are also the factors of drunk driving, which can’t be ignored. So in order to thoroughly eliminate drunk driving behavior, we must learn from all kinds of useful laws and regulations, improve the legislation of our country, and carry on the comprehensive governance.

Key words: drunk driving into the punishment, and criminal law amendment (8), drunk driving




上传会员 陈老师 对本文的描述:在解决醉驾问题时,离不开法律的完善。我国要立足于国情,借鉴国外在醉驾方面立法的有关规定,通过在实践中完善我们的立法,才为我国惩治醉驾犯罪提供强有力的支持,维护我国......
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