
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:陈老师 更新时间:2013-09-14
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Abstract:The criminal justice system in our country has gone through a long process of development. From the form of barbaric and backward violence interrogation gradually changes to the modern sense of the criminal judicial procedure, By a single interrogation form develops to the modern advanced judicial principle and system. The development of legal construction has also injected new energy to our society. Although our country's criminal justice system keeps moving in the continuous reform, There still exists many defects and problems of China's criminal judicial procedure and litigation system in today's trend of internationalization of the world against the background, subjected to the traditional culture and the related factors. And these are all waiting for us to solve and improve. In views of our criminal judicial system problems, the author puts forward some sound suggestions through the comparison analysis of the foreign administration of criminal justice system.

Key words: Criminal justice;Fairness and justice;The people's jury system;Criminal evidence system;Public cognition




上传会员 陈老师 对本文的描述:我国的刑事司法审判程序和诉讼制度在当今这个趋向国际化的世界大背景中仍然存在许多的缺陷和问题,这些都是亟待我们去解决和完善的。笔者通过对外国刑事司法审判制度的对比分......
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