
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:陈老师 更新时间:2013-09-14
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Abstract:Voluntary service started relatively late and the research of volunteer rights’ protection is not mature in China. The development of our country’ volunteer service career is seriously impeded by inadequate protection of volunteers’ rights. This paper points out that our country needs to improve the protection system of voluntary service by analyzing the current situation of the protection system of volunteers’ rights and interests. In addition, regardless of state policies, laws and regulations or practices, the construction of the protection system is feasible. However, there are no clear rules about the protection system of volunteers’ rights and interests in the existing laws and regulations. So, no uniform standard exists in the judicial practice. The foreign countries’ protection system of volunteers’ rights poses as precious experiences to improve our country’s system construction. In China, a few concrete suggestions are put forward, which are concerned with the protection system of volunteers’ rights and interests.

Keywords: Volunteers;voluntary service;protection of rights and interests;system construction


上传会员 陈老师 对本文的描述:由于志愿者权益保障制度在我国现行法律法规中没有明确的规定,所以在司法实践中没有统一的标准。笔者通过借鉴志愿者权益保障在国外的经验,对我国构建志愿者权益保障制度提出......
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