
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:陈老师 更新时间:2013-09-14
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关键词:小产权房 ;法律原因 ;对策


Abstract:On property room of legal issues in recent years have aroused intense and wide-ranging discussion, the refraction of social contradictions and conflicts of interest are systemic and deep-seated. China is perfecting the socialist market economy, real estate is an important part of. Small house property issues involving the country's land policy and housing policy, involving China's relevant laws and regulations relating to the protection of national farmland protection and the residents living interests, the relationship between the majority of the people's vital interests. Affect social stability, and therefore how best to deal with a small property room today an important livelihood issues. Problem by studying the social reality wake stakeholders to provide evidence and recommendations for policy makers to help crack "house property" problem.

Key words: small property room;legel reasons;countermeasures




上传会员 陈老师 对本文的描述:小产权房是在我国特殊的国情和现实背景下产生的。本文以保障民生的角度审视小产权房问题,先后分析了其违法性、危害性及成因,最后提出了处理小产权房的相关对策,认为一方面......
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