
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:陈老师 更新时间:2013-09-14
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Abstract:Personality criminal law has once again aroused the attention of the jurisprudence after the open trial of Xu Ting case.As for this,this article tries to discuss on the sentencing mechanism in our country.Adding presonality criminal law to sentencing can certainly achieve special precautions that both the behavior criminal law and the perpetrator criminal law cannot realize. The relationship between personality law and sentencing is vague and the personality inventory system is imperfect are the problems existing in China's sentencing mechanism. Therefore, to solve these problems is becoming a key point to broad the horizons and promote further development of criminal law in China .In this thesis, the author clearly puts forward that proposing personality as the basis of the penalty sentencing and establishing binary conviction and sentencing mechanisms which bases on the crime and takes criminal personality as a assistance.Finally, the author advocates to establish a multi-dimensional personality assessment system.

Key words:Criminal law benefit; Personality criminal law; Sentencing mechanism; Personality survey system; Personality assessment




上传会员 陈老师 对本文的描述:关于人格,美国著名心理学家奥尔波特下过一个相当经典的定义,他认为人格是一个人内在的心理、物理系统中的动力组织,决定了一个人行为和思想的独特性。这也许是被沿用最多的......
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