
资料分类:法律论文 上传会员:陈老师 更新时间:2013-09-14
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Abstract:Children born out of wedlock as social vulnerable groups, because the origin causes and in interests have been many violations, to strengthen the legal protection has become the world 's marriage and family law as an important topic. In order to comply with the" law of children standard" the development trend of modern legal system, generally with the best interests of the child as the core, safeguard illegitimate children s basic rights and interests. This paper is divided into four chapters to illegitimate children protection system research. From the improvement of illegitimate child protection system the necessity, to support enforcement system, illegitimate child claim system is discussed. At the same time through this stage children born out of wedlock protection system's analysis, pointed out that the current legislation and practice of illegitimate child protection insufficiency. Finally, through drawing lessons from the illegitimate child protection system in foreign experience, to the perfection of China's illegitimate child protection system put forward specific suggestions.

Key words: Illegitimate children;Legal protection;System perfection




上传会员 陈老师 对本文的描述:非婚生子女是现实生活中不可回避的社会问题,他们由于出身的原因而在权益上受到诸多侵害。随着社会发展和西方文化、思想观念的不断渗入,这个群体的数量在日渐增加,对非婚生......
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