
资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:巧乐兹 更新时间:2014-05-19
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Abstract:The research and marketing is the most important part of large company’s operating. Marketing has become the key to enterprise development and help it out of trouble. Whether the enterprise can survive depends on its marketing channel.

   SangLe solar is one of Chinese solar water heater company with great scale. But with intense the competition in solar water markets, SangLe’s marketing pattern established before appears crisis frequently. SangLe’s high center of gravity structure makes it difficult to control marketing principles and hard to terminal for intensive cultivation. Faced with the rural market’s huge development space, SangLe needs to put down the channel center. At the same time, SangLe’s traditional channels can no longer be produced on price advantage, it needs to improve the channel urgently.

   This article first analyzes SangLe company’s marketing channels and composition and tries to solve some problems faced with the company. From its management and incentive system, member management, channels center makes an conclusion about SangLe’s real situation and changes the channels. At last, the article will put forward some suggestion of channel management.

Key Words: SangLe company  marketing channels  middlemen to choos

上传会员 巧乐兹 对本文的描述:太阳能热水器这种需要深度分销的行业,在产品和技术日益同质化情况下,营销渠道好坏起到决定胜负的作用,对渠道的争夺、开拓、维护、管理也被企业提到竞争的战略层面。因此,......
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