
资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:巧乐兹 更新时间:2014-05-19
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关键词 品牌营销;品牌定位;品牌传播


Abstract:Brand marketing plays a crucial role in the construction of the modern enterprises, the small and medium-sized enterprises are easy to fall into a dilemma when they promote new products ,because they lack theory of brand marketing and experiences, they have no scientific brand positioning and effective brand communication. Twindeer is a white household appliance enterprise, after the successful acquisition of Shangling, the expansion of the enterprise descreases,therefore ,the original brand marketing system can not meet the requirements of the company's new strategy, so the company needs to carry on new brand positioning and brand communication.

   When the passage researches twindeer’ s brand marketing, it combines with the actual survey data and SWOT analysis method, studying on brand name recognition and brand positioning and brand communication, finally the passage gets the following conclusions: ①the trend of home appliance industry starts to change to energy-saving, healthy and intelligent direction, twindeer advocates low carbon, energy saving,the technology of twindeer has reached the computer technology requirements, so twindeer has a  bright future. ② the competition of home appliance industry is heavy and the role of the brand is particularly important, brand name recognition of twindeer in the peripheral market visibility is low, so the brand marketing strategy should be built immediately. ③twindeer adopts three kinds of positioning in the brand positioning strategy, which are functional positioning, visual positioning and experiential positioning, which can help twindeer achieves the goal of first-line brand as soon as possible. ④twindeer combine advertising communication, network communication, public and personnel with each other , interactions between the four approaches are flexible.Through effective brand communication strategy,  reputation and customer loyalty of twindeer will be improved .

Keywords   Brand marketing   Brand positioning   Brand communication

上传会员 巧乐兹 对本文的描述:双鹿在成功收购上菱之后,规模和技术都比以前增大了,原有的品牌营销策略已经不试用新的发展状况了,在这一背景下,笔者在对上海双鹿电器进行了品牌调研,结合品牌调查问卷,找出......
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