
资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:易小编 更新时间:2014-08-20
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摘  要:在现代市场环境下,物流对企业销售工作的影响也越来越重要,销售物流成为制造企业销售竞争的重要利器。



关键词:销售物流   组织结构  库存管理


ABSTRACT:In the modern market environment, the influences of logistics on the enterprise sales are becoming more and more important, sales logistics has become  manufacturing companies’  an important selling competitive weapon.

   Sales logistics impact on corporate profits, it can make their products value and useful value come true, it can save the cost of businesses, access to third-profits, but also to enhance the corporate image. Therefore, sales logistics enterprise logistics development will be a new direction. Through the sale of enterprise logistics system improvement and innovation and improvement, not only can make the logistics and marketing chain running smoothly, work efficiency, but also greatly enhance the competitiveness of enterprises.

   In this thesis, the company manufacturing firm Y as the research object, mainly for its administrative management and physical inventory management aspects, from the theoretical explanations, analyze problems, optimize design, and several other aspects of the Y-sales logistics development status of research and optimization .

Keywords: sales logistics; organizational structure; inventory management

上传会员 易小编 对本文的描述:从企业的实际情况出发,以科学的方法对企业的销售物流进行分析优化,论文对于Y企业主要从销售物流系统的管理结构和库存控制两个方面入手,从而达到管理上的高效,工作的分明,......
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