
资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:易小编 更新时间:2014-08-20
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关键词:天然气 管网建设 需求预测


ABSTRACT:With the British counties continuous economic and social construction, the amount of existing gas fields and pipelines can not meet the British county of gas demand, the paper mainly for the daying county region natural gas transportation pipelines were studied.

  After analysis showed that the daying gas market in 2022 county total demand for 15938 thousand cubic per years. Where city gas and CNG gas existing gas pipeline network to meet the basic needs of the new industrial park daying county gas is large, requiring new pipeline network and gas distribution station.

  Calculated by analyzing the proposal from the white end line valve chamber in Qi kou fa shi, a new sub-transmission valve chamber, in the daying Industrial Park, the new one centralized gas distribution station, new supply pipe network D219 line from the Qi kou fa shi into the valve chamber between the daying industrial park, in order to meet daying demand for gas industrial park, with a total investment of 42.75 million yuan.

Keywords: Natural gas  Pipe network plan  Demand forecasting

上传会员 易小编 对本文的描述:本论文主要针对大英县地区天然气运输管道进行了研究。通过调查分析大英县地区天然气供需现状,预测未来需求量,发现供需缺口,为大英县实施新的供气方案提供基础数据......
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