
资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:易小编 更新时间:2014-08-20
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关键词:汽车零部件  入厂物流  循环取货  取货延迟  车辆调度管理


ABSTRACT:Auto parts inbound logistics is the automobile manufacturing enterprise based on production, management and the strategic objectives, timely and rapid delivery and tissue components of the logistics activities. Milk-run characteristics of vehicle routing problem is the pick-up vehicle in accordance with the path design within a defined time window from the supplier to send the goods to the automobile factory, at the same time will return from the empty car factory to suppliers. This paper on milk-run pickup vehicle in the pickup on the way and effect of pickup delay optimization and adjustment of the original collection plan.

   Firstly, this paper introduces the related theory of auto parts inbound logistics. Then, the pickup delay auto supply logistics milk-run vehicle routing problem analysis and design optimization model. Finally, the design optimization model is applied to an automobile enterprise, the parts inbound logistics milk-run process application analysis, feasibility of the algorithm.

   The innovation of this article is to introduce the idea of interference management of inbound logistics of automobile parts milk-run process, and on this basis, establishment of automobile supply (the parts inbound logistics milk-run) vehicle pickup interference identification based on delay disturbance events. Saving heuristic algorithm and introducing processing auto supply solutions virtual customer to send a rescue vehicle (with CW parts inbound logistics) solutions of milk-run vehicle pickup delay of the disturbance events.

Keywords:Auto parts; inbound logistics; milk-run; delay pickup; Vehicle scheduling management

上传会员 易小编 对本文的描述:本文以循环取货车辆取货受扰延迟问题为研究对象,构建优化模型和求解算法并通过实际算例证明模型与算法的有效性,为汽车零部件入厂物流在取货途中受到未知干扰因素干扰的事件......
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