
资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:易小编 更新时间:2014-08-20
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关键词:物流  信息化  供应链  信息化管理


ABSTRACT:Logistics information is the soul of modern logistics, modern logistics is an important cornerstone of the development. Today, "information technology" and "standardization", is the indispensable two key technology of logistics technology, it represents the level of modern logistics in a country with the further development of international trade and the gradual and continuous development of logistics, in short, the word "information" in the field of logistics has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. At present, the promotion of international trade and the development of the logistics industry of booming up, logistics information management level also in turn directly affect the quality and quantity of international trade, therefore, in the present and future economic development, the level of enterprise logistics information can determine whether a business has a bright future. This paper is intended to representatives of small and medium-sized logistics enterprises in our country, "Qingdao haier logistics company" as an example, through its information management problems and how to solve these problems for further discussion. 

Key words:logistics;information technology;supply chain;information management

上传会员 易小编 对本文的描述:在撰写论文的时候,我采用了比较常见的文献法、资料归纳总结和描述法来进行研究,通过对这几种方法进行综合运用,能使本文的理论描述更具有深度和说服力。本课题共分八部分,......
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