
资料分类:管理学院 上传会员:易小编 更新时间:2014-08-20
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关键词:京东商城  配送模式  自营物流   第三方物流   AHP法


ABSTRACT:Jingdong Mall is the largest B2C shopping platform, self involved in electronic commerce, and its transaction volume remained 200% growth in the business growth while maintaining the quality of service is derived from a more comprehensive distribution system support, but business growth is still far more than the distribution system construction and improvements, Jingdong logistics and distribution in many areas also have their own troubles

  In the rapid development of B2C e-commerce today, logistics and distribution are indicators reflect the overall level of development, a reasonable choice distribution model can help companies save costs and improve core competitiveness. In this paper, take Jingdong Mall for example, status of the investigation of its distribution pattern analysis, using AHP and other methods to choose their distribution model. Finally Jingdong Mall logistics situation, Jingdong logistics model for the development of recommendations.

Keywords:Jingdong Mall; Distribution model ;Self-logistics ;Third-party logistics ;AHP method

上传会员 易小编 对本文的描述:B2C电子商务配送模式的研究可以充分了解电商企业在各个不同配送模式下的配送特点和使用范围,从而可以帮助企业结合自身特点选择合理的物流配送模式,制定合理的物流配送方案。......
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