
资料分类:海外文摘 上传会员:N号老师 更新时间:2020-10-20
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Analysis of the problems and methods of inventory management 

Abstract:In a mature market and increasingly fierce competition, the background of the rapid increase in the cost of labor and the property market environment, how the internal management optimization, improve enterprise status become lie urgent in front of commercial chain enterprises. Inventory management optimization is an important means to improve the operating performance of commercial enterprises, the enterprises can improve the cash flow turnover rate. To improve the efficiency of the use of funds; secondly, inventory management exists to reveal the developing process of enterprises, encourage enterprises to take further action to improve the management of enterprise management; finally, inventory management improvement is conducive to improving the deadlock of zero for the relationship problems of commercial chain enterprises, to create a common value for retailers and suppliers to achieve win-win situation. Thus, the inventory management optimization will have significant meaning for the internal management of enterprises. 

上传会员 N号老师 对本文的描述:存货管理是企业内部控制的重要环节,存货管理就是对企业的存货进行管理,主要包括存货的物理方面的管理、资金流方面的管理、保持库存最低在此基础上的决策分析,最后进行有效......
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