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译文(字数 2860):


Kyriaki Noussia博士


    1.1 仲裁的重要性和现代化使用






外文原文(字符数 10414):

Confidentiality in International Commercial Arbitration

Dr. Kyriaki Noussia

Publication  source《Lap Lambert Academic Publishing》, 2008, 61:57-78

    1.1 The Importance and Modern Use of Arbitration

    In explaining the growth and modern use of arbitration, one need take into account factors such as the desire for secrecy, the attraction of moving to a custom of using industry experts as arbitrators rather than traditional state court judges and therefore also more flexible procedures, the option of selecting trade norms as the rules of Decision and the economy, speed, secrecy and certainty of the process, as well as the ability given to parties to settle a dispute whilst maintaining business relations.

1.2 The Eminence of Arbitration Over Other Means of Alternative Dispute Resolution

    1.2.1 In General

Given the increasing importance of arbitration as an alternative to costly litigation, it is critical to understand the role that arbitration plays in encouraging self-negotiated settlements in different settings and the reasons why it is more effective, especially in an international commercial context as opposed to other widely used means of alternative dispute resolution, such as mediation and Med-Arb.

上传会员 N号老师 对本文的描述:对于先调解后仲裁,这是一种过渡形式的非诉讼解决机制,它需要的程序包括仲裁和调解,当事人可以选择仲裁机构,以解决合同纠纷。在某些情况下,有一个扮演仲裁员和调解员角色......
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