
资料分类:海外文摘 上传会员:N号老师 更新时间:2020-10-20
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Corporate social responsibility: a trend and a movement, but of what and for what?

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has emerged as a global trend involving corporations, states, international organizations and civil society organizations. It is far from clear what CSR stands for, what the trend really is, where it comes from, where it is heading and who the leading actors are. If one views it as a social movement, one must ask: a movement of what and for whom? The discussions help us reflect on the formation of management trends and how certain models come to flow rapidly and extensively around the globe, following and adding to institutional change – especially to changes in the roles, relations and boundaries between and among states, business corporations and civil society organizations.

The CSR trend in three ways: as a regulatory framework that places new demands on corporations; as a mobilization of corporate actors to assist state development aid; and as a management trend. Each one of these portraits suggests the centrality of certain actors, relations, driving forces and interests. My examples show that no one of these views seems more accurate than the others; instead the movement comprises a bundle of diverse interests, actors, origins and trajectories. These multiple identities of the trend may partly describe its success as well as its contestation, fragility and fluidity. 

上传会员 N号老师 对本文的描述:许多公司现在将公司社会责任的某些部分的计划放在他们的网站上处理。在过去,软条例和网络指导一直是国际公认的一种作用于公司、国家和国际组织间的重要机制,例如,发布指导......
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