
资料分类:海外文摘 上传会员:小四哥 更新时间:2020-11-14
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译文(字数 7276):


Van Dinh, Uyen Le 以及 Phuong Le






外文原文(字符数 24386):

Measuring the Impacts of Internet Banking to Bank Performance:

Evidence from Vietnam

Van Dinh*, Uyen Le and Phuong Le

Faculty of Finance and Banking, VNU University of Economics and Business, Hanoi, Vietnam


Internet banking is an innovative service in the banking industry. However, researching about the impact of internet banking to bank’s performance is rarely seen. In Vietnam, no research has been found recently by researchers. The main objective of this study is to evaluate the impact of internet banking to performance (profitability ratios, noninterest operating expenses and incomes) of banks in Vietnam in the period from 2009-2014. The study uses random effect model (REM) and fixed effect model (FEM) to estimate the relationships between Internet indicators and bank’s performance. The results from the regression model showed that internet banking had an impact on bank profitability through an increase of income from service activities. However, the impact level was low and had a lag time of over 3 years, which is longer than findings from previous studies.

Keywords: Internet banking; Commercial bank; Performance ratios;Service channel

上传会员 小四哥 对本文的描述:本文的目的是从商业银行的角度来确定和评估网银的影响。具体而言,本文试图探究通过互联网作为渠道对利润、运营成和盈利产生的影响。20家银行的样本,约占一半的商业银行的总数......
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