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外文出处:      《房地产营销策划》威廉A.科恩

Real estate development is support for the people's daily lives-47 socialist market economic system development, make the real estate market has become the main economic activity members, in the face of the changing market. real estate enterprises are to seize the opportunities and meet the challenges, we must adopt modern marketing concepts, master of modern marketing techniques. China's real estate marketing and sales management environment even after 20 years of market concepts nurtured, But in China's real estate integrity, marketing innovation, product innovation, and the management structure with the international community on distance. 

1 Real estate marketing elementary knowledge 

1.1 Marketing concepts 

   The market marketing translates from an English marketing word. Most early produces to US, in 1960 the American market marketing association (AMA) defined the committee the definition: The market marketing is the product either the service from the producer guidance all enterprise activities which carries on to the consumer or the user. The real estate market marketing is satisfies the reality or the latent real estate demand comprehensive management sale campaign process through the real estate market exchange. It has following several implications: 

1.the real estate market marketing goal is satisfies the consumer to the real estate commodity and the service demand.  

2.already includes the realistic demand also to include the latent demand.  3.the real estate market marketing center realizes the commodity exchange, completes the sale campaign.  

4.the real estate marketing method is the development comprehensive marketing activity. 

上传会员 N号老师 对本文的描述:房地产市场是一个市场营销重要分支,是在市场营销理论体系建立。在房地产营销利用主要由政府控制部分和房地产开发商。政府部门主要进行教学作为市场管理者对市场行为监管,以......
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