
资料分类:工业大学 上传会员:邻座的怪同学 更新时间:2013-11-05
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ABSTRACT:Under the background of the rapid development of China's economy, the competition between modern enterprises is increasingly fierce, the scene management of modern enterprises is very important to improve competitiveness. Usually some customers go to the factory for inspection before they decide to place an order, and some details of the Scene Management as their utmost concern, so as to judge the level of the field management and delivery ability.

   Scene management as an important content of enterprise management, which is the foundation to improve the comprehensive quality and competitiveness of the enterprise, the scene management level of high and low can reflect the level of enterprise comprehensive management to some extent.

   Production site "6 s" management extended from the Japanese "5 s" management, which is one of the effective field management ideas and methods for a modern enterprise. Line balance is an effective technical means and method which can balance the working loads between processes and improve production efficiency. This article based on the scene management status of A enterprise for specific background, analyzed the scene problems. I formulated the corresponding improvement scheme by connecting with the actual condition of A enterprise combination of the knowledge of the 6 s management and line balancing, which is helpful to improve the enterprise's scene management.

Key Words: Scene management; 6 s management; line balance





上传会员 邻座的怪同学 对本文的描述:本论文的研究方法相对比较简单,首先,论文采用了最常用的观察法,利用最为实用的调查方法,本人通过亲身在生产现场进行观察,记录现场管理存在的问题,从而获得一手资料。其......
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