
资料分类:工业大学 上传会员:刘教授 更新时间:2014-02-23
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   本课题以重庆巫山高磷铁矿酸浸降磷浸出废水为研究对象,重庆巫山高磷铁矿高效除磷过程中采用了湿法冶金处理工艺。该过程中产生了大量的含磷溶液,为确保高磷铁矿除磷工艺过程不产生污染,本研究采用高磷铁矿尾矿作为脱磷剂,脱除废水中的磷,需要控制合适的浸出条件详细研究了溶液的pH值、时间、温度以及搅拌速度等工艺参数因素对除磷效果的影响。实验结果表明:研究溶液的温度为40℃,搅拌速度为300r/min,时间为40min以及溶液pH等于5,脱磷效果最佳,此时脱磷率可达99.68%,达到了一级排放要求的TP≤0.5 mg/L的标准。

关键词:酸浸废水 除磷 资源利用


ABSTRACT:Eutrophication is ubiquitous in nature a slow process of ecological degradation,Pollution caused by human activities greatly accelerated this process.The same time as the rapid development of modern industry,Human growing demand for mineral resources, mining wastewater pollution problems more serious,has become a cause people to pay attention to global issues.

   The topics to Wushan high phosphorus iron ore leaching of phosphorus leaching waste reduction as the research object,Wushan high phosphorus iron ore efficient phosphorus removal process using hydrometallurgical processes.This process produces a large amount of phosphorus solution, to ensure high-phosphorus iron and phosphorus removal process does not produce pollution, this study adopts high-phosphorus iron ore tailings as dephosphorizer, removal of phosphorus in wastewater,Suitable leaching conditions to control the detailed study of the solution pH,time, temperature and stirring speed parameters phosphorus effect factors.The experimental results showed that: the temperature of the solution is 40℃, stirring speed 300r/min, time was 40min and the pH is equal to 5, dephosphorylation best, then dephosphorylation rate of 99.68 percent, reaching an emission requirements the TP ≤ 0.5 mg / L standard.

Keywords: Tailings   Removal   Resource utilization


上传会员 刘教授 对本文的描述:该过程中产生了大量的含磷溶液,为确保高磷铁矿除磷工艺过程不产生污染,本研究采用高磷铁矿尾矿作为脱磷剂,脱除废水中的磷,需要控制合适的浸出条件详细研究了溶液的pH值、时间、......
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