
资料分类:工业大学 上传会员:小婷 更新时间:2014-06-04
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摘 要:本设计为年产140万吨的炼铁车间的设计。

   本设计采用了1985 m3的高炉1座,不设渣口,2个出铁口,采用矩形出铁场。送风系统采用四座外燃式热风炉,煤气处理系统采用重力除尘,文氏管和电除尘。渣铁处理系统采用轮法粒化渣处理工艺处理,特殊情况采用干渣生产,上料系统采用皮带上料机,保证高炉的不间断供料。


关键词:高炉; 炼铁; 设计


ABSTRACT:This is a design of blast furnace workshop for output of 1.4million tons

   One 1985 m3 blast furnace was used in the desig,no set up Jardine ,two taphole , the use of rectangular field of iron. Blast system 4 Nippon external combustion hot stove, Dust catcher system using gravity precipitators , vebturi tube and electrostatic precipitator .Tapping system method of Wheel law granular slag to deal with special circumstances dry slag production ,the charging system is used in feed belt to ensure uninterrupted blast furnace charge .

   In the design, first of all made a material  balance, heat balane ,and calculation of furnace design ,as well as the chice of equipment ;the design of the application of a number of advanced technology ,these processes in implementation of large pulverized coal injection technology ,these processes in the implementation of large pulverized coal injection technology to enhance heat transfer efficiency ,energy saving ,to improve productivity played an important  role .in the design, the broad absorption of previous technological innovations an the results of scientific research at home an abroad . According to the actual needs and possibilities  , as far as possible the use of advanced equipment, advanced  structure, advanced materials and so on .Achieve technicaiiy advanced and economically rational, but slso reduce environmental pollution  

Keywords:Blast furnace;ironmaking; design

上传会员 小婷 对本文的描述:无论是新建高炉还是组建炼铁车间,我们都必须依据要求的产量以及拥有的原料和燃料条件作高炉冶炼综合计算,包括配料计算、物料平衡计算和热平衡计算。以这些参数为基础作炼钢......
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