
资料分类:工业大学 上传会员:飞舞的丝带 更新时间:2014-07-03
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摘  要:本文是设计2吨燃气锅炉冷凝式烟气热回收换热器的优化。设计中首先已知锅炉的燃料参数,根据设计范围,进行锅炉的燃料与燃烧计算。燃料与燃烧计算包括理论空气与理论烟气容积的计算,根据烟气出口情况设计换热器,确定换热器冷凝段和非冷凝段并计算各段的换热量,由此计算两端的换热管长度,加入翅片,由翅片效率修正换热长度,确定换热器的布局,最后进行校核计算。


   第一章, 绪论,主要介绍了本次设计意义。

   第二章, 主要是锅炉的热力计算,包括理论空气量和实际空气量,烟气量计算。

   第三章,  换热器的换热量的计算,包括露点温度的确定,非冷凝段和冷凝段的换热量的计算。

   第四章, 三种光管管长的设计方案,最终确定管子规格和冷凝段和非冷凝段管子长度。

   第五章, 换热器管的布局,包括管间距,翅片效率,肋化效率,顺排,几排几列,总管数等。




Abstract:This article is designed to two tons of condensing gas boiler flue gas heat recovery heat exchanger optimization. The design of the first known parameters of the boiler fuel, according to the scope of design, boiler fuel and combustion calculations. The calculation includes fuel and combustion theory of air with the theoretical calculation of flue gas volume and design heat exchanger according to the gas outlet to determine the heat exchanger condenser section and condenser section and calculate the heat, calculated at both ends of the heat exchange tubes length by adding fins, the fin efficiency correction. Heat exchanger  length , determine the layout of the heat exchanger, and finally checking calculation.

  The main contents and chapters include:  

   Chapter 1, Introduction, introduces the design significance.

   Chapter 2, the main boiler thermodynamic calculations, including theoretical air and the actual amount of air, flue gas volume calculations

   Chapter 3, the heat exchanger heat transfer calculations, including the dew point temperature determined, non-condensing and condensing for the calculation of heat

   Chapter4 ,Three light pipe's design program, and ultimately determine the tube length of pipe specification and the condenser section and condenser section

   Chapter 5, the layout of the heat exchanger tube, including tube spacing, fin efficiency, the efficiency of the Rib, alignment, several rows and columns Explorer, the number of

   Concluded 6, The graduation project concluded

Key words:The 2t gas boiler; finned tube; design checking

上传会员 飞舞的丝带 对本文的描述:对于天然气锅炉,尾气中水蒸汽所携带的热损失占整个排烟热损失55%~75%。根据相关资料显示,降低到露点之前的显热回收可使锅炉系统热效率提高2%~5%。另外,排烟温度为200~250℃,属低......
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