
资料分类:工业大学 上传会员:艾薇儿 更新时间:2013-07-09
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关键词:高炉; 热风炉; 车间设计


ABSTRACT:This is designed to yield 3.5 million tons of pig iron blast furnace shop. The major systems of the blast furnace shop: the blast furnace body systems, feeding systems, slag and iron handling system, injection system, air supply system, dust removal system and cooling system have done a certain narrative. The overall design and site selection and plant layout. The design also includes the device type, size, computing and capacity computing.    In order to more scientific, the spirit of quality, high yield, low energy consumption and environmental pollution guidelines, pre-designed to build an annual output of 350 tons of pig iron blast furnace ironmaking plant, the design specifications detailed its blast furnace design , the reference design similar to the blast furnace of domestic and foreign production experience and data. Strive to make the design of the blast furnace to achieve a high degree of mechanization, automation and large-scale, in order to achieve optimum production efficiency.

Keywords: Blast furnace;Hot stove;Plant design


上传会员 艾薇儿 对本文的描述:本设计为年产量350万吨生铁炼铁的高炉车间。高炉车间的主要系统:高炉本体系统、上料系统、渣铁处理系统、喷吹系统、送风系统、除尘系统和冷却系统都做了一定的叙述。并且对厂......
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