
资料分类:管理论文 上传会员:我是小强 更新时间:2013-09-07
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关键词:常州龙湖物业公司  物业管理  战略选择  战略实施


Abstract:The paper expounds the concept of property management, and do some research on the current situation of domestic and foreign property management, analysis the overall situation and the developing trend in Changzhou’s property management industry. Take Changzhou Longfor (a branch of Chongqing Longfor property management company) as an example. According to the present situation of the company, using the strategic management tool such as; external environment analysis chart PEST , the SWOT analysis and so on. Making the weights form on the basis of comprehensive analysis. Understand the Changzhou citizens on the property management needs through the questionnaire, which laid the foundation for long-term strategy formulation, that is; determine a goal for high-end consumer groups of customers, by providing fine service, make the brand well known to Changzhou citizens so as to attract more customers, form positive cycle.

      The paper is aimed at provide reference for decision for Changzhou Longfor property management company which would help her develop own way in the fierce market competition. At the same time, it also has a theoretical and practical significance for property management industry in our country.

Key words: Changzhou Longfor property management company, property management, strategic choice, strategy implementation


上传会员 我是小强 对本文的描述:本文研究旨在对龙湖物业在常州的发展提供决策参考,使其能在激烈的市场竞争中走出自己独特的发展之路。同时,对我国物业管理行业科学管理有理论和实践意义。......
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