
资料分类:管理论文 上传会员:我是小强 更新时间:2013-09-07
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Abstract:In recent years, most of the enterprises in Yangtze river delta area are faced with the problem of frequent job-hopping among migrant workers. This case will cause the waste of enterprise resources, and make the enterprises can't carry on the effective human resource reserves. It will make the production and operation of enterprises suffer obstacles. Enterprise must eliminate the negative effects to the enterprise from the problem by the reform of system and the innovation of management. 

   Due to the progress of The Times and the development of the society, "new generation" migrant workers appear in the economically developed Yangtze river delta region; Due to the new work idea and new survival idea of "new generation", the phenomenon of frequent job-hopping among migrant workers in this area happens; Due to the backward of the enterprise management system of human resources in the area, the problem of frequent job-hopping migrant workers can't be solved for a long time. In view of the characteristics that "new generation" migrant workers enthusiasm for the personal goals and pay more attention to development, simple personnel management method has not to implement the human resource planning functions. So, the question that how do the management of the enterprise for migrant workers turn from the traditional personnel management to the modern human resources management became this paper 's mainly discussed question. 

   This article will take the method of the literature review and the case analysis to analyze the causes of the constantly job-hopping among migrant workers.Aiming at the characteristics of "new generation" migrant workers, reach a management solution that both adapt to the interests of  the enterprise and the interests of the migrant workers, and solve the problem that management of the enterprise for migrant workers turn from the traditional personnel management upgrade to the modern human resources management problem.

Keywords: The New Generation; Migrant Workers; Human Resources; Willingness of Job-hopping; Enterprise Management Promotion


上传会员 我是小强 对本文的描述:本文将应用文献综述和案例分析两个方法进行研究,分析农民工不断跳槽的成因,针对“新生代”农民工的特点,得出适应企业和农民工双方利益的人性化的企业人力资源管理方案,同......
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