
资料分类:环境科学 上传会员:陈老师 更新时间:2013-09-23
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关键词:环境影响评价 废水 废气 废渣 噪声 处理措施


Abstract:The analysis of this case is an assessment of the environmental effects in some pharmaceutical factory. Firstly, on the basis of engineering analysis, the quantity discharged of contaminants can be estimated. Then, after reasonable measures being drawn up, a brief analysis and assessment of the existing environment within the project area could be made. Finally, focus should be paid on the analysis of the results of environmental protecting measures towards waste water, ai, noise and residue. Therefore, whether the construction of the project has harmful effects on local environment can be certified. As the conclusion is helpful for deciding whether the scheduled project can be effectively carried out in local area, the effects of environmental protection and making good use of local resources could be realized. 

Key words: assessment of environmental effects, waste water, waste gas, waste residue, noise, processing measures




上传会员 陈老师 对本文的描述:通过对工程项目的工程分析、同类项目及新旧项目的类比调查,确定建设项目各生产过程中的污染源特征,主要污染物及其发生量,以及实施污染治理措施后的污染物排放分析。......
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