
资料分类:环境科学 上传会员:陈老师 更新时间:2013-09-23
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Abstract:Poly Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. Jiangsu intends to north of Lake Xianlin Qixia District No. 1, east of Hubei Road, west to status quo, Mochizuki Road to the north and south latitude to roads, residential construction investment of 1.8 billion yuan and with Related facilities projects. According to the planning of Nanjing Planning Bureau, design features, the nature of this project two types of residential land use, the total land area of ​​approximately 103,982.09 square meters, of which an area of ​​75,464.48 square meters of construction land, other land area of ​​28,517.61 square meters collected. Project 18-storey main building of 14 high-rise residential and related support projects.

   Through careful study of the project related materials, and field reconnaissance, research, collection and verification of the relevant material, the preparation of the environmental impact report. Through environmental impact assessment, specifically the construction of the project before the state of the environment and its compatibility with the local environment, analysis of the project on the extent of its surrounding environment and scope of environmental pollution control measures proposed for the engineering and construction projects provide the scientific basis for environmental management.

   This project is a real estate development project, taking full account of energy-saving and environmental protection under the premise of many factors, in accordance with the implementation of relevant environmental protection require careful matching of the pollutants emitted pollution control measures taken, emissions standards, to Less environmental impact assessment areas, from the environmental point of view, the construction of this project is feasible.

Keyword:Real Estate,Community,Environmental Impact Assessment


上传会员 陈老师 对本文的描述:在认真研究该项目的有关材料,并进行实地踏勘、调研,收集和核实了有关材料后,编制此环境影响报告书。通过环境影响评价,明确该项目建设前的环境现状及其与当地环境的相容性......
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