
资料分类:环境科学 上传会员:陈老师 更新时间:2013-09-23
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Abstract:Air pollution is one of the realities that all people around the world can't avoid. In 2009, the amount of coal ash let out is 375 million tons. One of the main equipments that control air pollution is electrical precipitator, which has high efficiency of dust collection, low power, ability to deal with large amount and high temperature dust. The dust resistivity is the basic quota indicates the dust electric conductivity, which is the key parameter to electric precipitator's design and adjustment . The dust resistivity oversized or too small does not favor the electric precipitator stably, and  influence the efficiency to remove dust, generally the dust resistivity, in the scope in 104~5×1010(Ω•cm) most suits the electricity dust removal. 

This study uses the scanning electronic microscope - X-ray spectrometer to test specimen chemical composition, and carries on the experiment on the DR2-1000 high temperature resistivity tester to analyze the dust, emphasis under the high temperature the resistivity changes along with the chemical composition and temperature.


1..Among 100-900°C, the resistivity maximum values 1012~1013Ω•cm, the minimum values 104~107Ω•cm. When the temperature is above 450°C, the resistivity has an inverse ratio to temperature.

2.Among peak value to 900°C, the dust resistivity and the temperature satisfy the relationship .

3.In the dust, if the SiO2 content is high, the temperature resistivity peak value presents to be low; if the iron, the aluminum content is high, the temperature resistivity peak value presents to be high. When the temperature achieves 900°C, the SiO2 content is higher, the resistivity value is bigger.  

Keyword: Dust resistivity, Chemical composition, Temperature


上传会员 陈老师 对本文的描述:大气污染已成为全世界城市居民生活中一个无法逃避的现实。2009年,全国粉煤灰排放达到3.75亿吨。大气污染控制主要设备之一为电除尘器,除尘效率高、能耗低、能处理温度高烟气量大......
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