
资料分类:环境科学 上传会员:陈老师 更新时间:2013-09-23
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关键词:小区生活污水  生物接触氧化 污水处理 优点 设计


Abstract:Residential sewage treatment in recent years more and more attention. Residential sewage treatment is different from the urban sewage, for residential land generally very expensive, sewage treatment facilities should be concise, compact, process to with convenient management. This field processing technology is more mature, but must according to the characteristics of the plot sewage are deeply studied in convenient management, reduce covers, lower investment and running costs, beautify the environment, combined with sewage sludge disposal of pursuit of new development and improving. The characteristics of the plot sewage is biochemical sex good, suits to use biological treatment methods such as: activated sludge, biological membrane method, etc. Biological contact oxidation process has many advantages, such as biological contact oxidation process has the processing time is short, small volume, purifying effect is good, effluent is good and stable, sludge need not backflow nor inflation, low electric consumption, etc. Compared with other secondary processing biological contact oxidation process less investment, low operating cost and easy management. 

   According to design task, this design chooses biological contact oxidation process as residential sewage treatment process technology, has less investment, low operating cost, high automation, the noise is small, and the characteristic of processing water quality reach national the prescribed discharge standards. The design manual focuses on the instructions biological contact oxidation process in residential sewage treatment by running parameters and design calculation methods and procedures, and some commonly used water treatment structures, through the design and calculation method of design can achieve the desired result. 

Keyword : Residential sewage ,Biological contact oxidation, Sewage treatment, advantages, design


上传会员 陈老师 对本文的描述:根据设计任务,本设计选用生物接触氧化工艺做为小区生活污水的处理工艺,具有投资少,运行费用低,自动化程度高,噪音小的特点,并且处理水质能达到国家规定的排放标准。......
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