
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:sana0722 更新时间:2014-06-10
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关键词:  中东战乱局势    国际石油贸易   影响


Abstract:With the continuous development of China's economy, people's living standards and income levels has been greatly improved, oil has become increasingly large impact on people's lives, the price of oil has also become the international community today one of the hot in China already one third of the total amount of imported oil, oil pricing has been basically synchronized with the international market, international market oil prices will lead to rising domestic oil prices, international small-scale wars, is bound to affect international oil prices. This article first provides an overview of today's Middle East and North Africa the pattern of systematic exposition of the East and North Africa in unbalanced development, the more backward areas, the uneven distribution of wealth, people's basic living can not be guaranteed, thereby causing problems of war, so that non-war Middle East and North impact on international oil prices, combined with the international oil volatility of oil prices, the war on oil prices,This article analyzes and discusses the situation in the Middle East war on the oil trade.

Key words :  Oil trade   situation in the Middle East war   impact

上传会员 sana0722 对本文的描述:当今中东局势处于非常紧张的状况,世界范围内超过半数石油都是由中东地区售出,使得现在国际石油价格处于波动的状态,进而影响石油的贸易。目前我国的进口石油已经占总用量的......
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