
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:sana0722 更新时间:2014-06-10
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关键词: 电子商务,现状,问题,对策


Abstract:E-commerce has a huge advantage to expand the scope of trade, and enhance the intensive nature of the market, increasing trade opportunities, reduce trading costs and market risks, and its development to production, trade and competition have undergone tremendous changes, but also to Chinathe enterprise has brought opportunities and challenges. The application of electronic commerce is the inevitable choice for Chinese enterprises. E-commerce applications, a clear understanding of the current status quo at home and abroad, and analyze their own strengths and weaknesses, combined with the actual situation of the government, enterprises and schools, the right remedy, recommendations for the development of electronic commerce, the building is conducive to development of electronic commerce environment.

Key Words:E-commerce, current status, problem, solution

上传会员 sana0722 对本文的描述:有数据显示,未来的5年中,在我国3000多万家中小企业中,有将近半数企业在其生产和经营中尝试或者会使用电子商务工具,电子商务人才在国内的需求量达到300万以上,数量非常巨大。......
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