
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:笑笑 更新时间:2014-07-18
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关键词:高收益债券  信用风险  


Abstract: The development of high-yield bonds in the U.S. earlier, in enterprise development has played a positive role. In May 2012, China launched a private debt business, marking China's high-yield bond business began to grow, but in the course of development, there are many imperfections. In particular, the bond itself has risk, credit risk, high-yield bonds have a certain influence on the development of SME financing in the current market. This requires the government macro-control, will reduce credit risk, high yield bonds to a minimum. On the basis of our proposed combination of related materials on the article in the practical development of high-yield bonds corresponding view, pointing out the main problems of the development of high-yield bonds as well as practical significance faced, while also strengthening establish disclosure and credit rating system information, the role of credit derivatives, and further enhance the overall strength of China's financial market.

Keywords: High Yield Bonds  Credit Risk

上传会员 笑笑 对本文的描述:国家政策来解决这一问题的适时推出,债券短期债券和中小企业集合已经公布,所以创业板成为了解决这个问题的必经之路。我们知道,融资是中小企业的主要也是长期的困难,因为它......
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