
资料分类:经济论文 上传会员:笑笑 更新时间:2014-07-18
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关键词:民生银行 个人信用 个人信用评分系统


ABSTRACT:In this paper, MINSHENG BANK personal credit rating system as an example, analysis of the application of personal credit rating system in China. Since 2007, the US subprime crisis to global financial markets and economies into winter, the financial sector is facing huge risks.  In China's financial openness deepening, commercial Banks under the situation of growing competition at home and abroad, personal credit is becoming more and more valued, and personal credit rating system is an important role in promoting the economic and financial running steadily in our country. According to the specific condition of our country commercial bank credit rating system, this paper analyzes the MINSHENG BANK credit rating system and the advantages and disadvantages of differences between foreign credit rating system, for commercial Banks and credit evaluation institutions of personal credit assessment has further improved. 

Keywords:MINSHENG BANK  personal credit scoring system  Personal credit

上传会员 笑笑 对本文的描述:信用评分预估的目的是对信用好与不好的客户群体区分,对客户未来的违约风险概率进行预估,并用一种数字或者字母系统来描述一个人的信用评分差异,从而计算违约的几率。在现实......
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