
资料分类:金融翻译 上传会员:小兔乖乖 更新时间:2023-01-19
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The Abbreviation Version Of The Thesis Of Undergraduates


Analysis of data on the financial statements, the use of discounted cash flow method, the relative value of other methods to analyze financial statements and financial data to find useful data on the enterprise value analysis, with its inherent value is the closest a value to facilitate management by better management decisions and investment decisions of enterprises. Now, under the conditions of market economy, the enterprise itself can be traded in the market of goods, by the profits to maximize the conversion to maximize the value of. Therefore, the enterprise value based on financial statement analysis is particularly important. Financial statements as a reflection of the financial position and operating conditions of enterprises, statutory information of listed companies, the real financial statements data can reveal the enterprise's past operating results, the pros and cons of the identification of business, to forecast the future of the enterprise.

The article first describes the limitations of the traditional statements and how to improve, then the enterprise value is based on the improved report.

KEYWORD: Financial statements, corporate value, Enterprise value evaluation

1 Introduction

1 The meaning of enterprise value

The enterprise value is accompanied by the emergence of property rights trading market in the 1960s, a concept first proposed by the U.S. regulators. Under market economy conditions, the goods of the enterprise itself is a transaction in the equity market as the commodity stakeholders, including investors, creditors, managers must understand the value of the business. Enterprise value as a commodity currency performance.

1.2 Analysis of the significance of enterprise value

Enterprises maximize the value of thinking helps to improve the company. Each listed company to meet the interests of all creditors and preferred shareholders as a precondition (the common shareholders by the board of directors to monitor the enterprise to protect their own interests), the greater the enterprise value, the more secure the interests of creditors andpreferred shareholders ; value of the enterprise, means that the higher its stock price to the shareholders. return more and more able to attract investors.

上传会员 小兔乖乖 对本文的描述:由于企业价值最大化是一个抽象的目标,在使用的过程中也存在一些缺陷:非上市企业的价值确定难度较大。虽然通过专门评价(如资产评估)可以确定其价值,但评估过程受评估标准......
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