
资料分类:计算机信息 上传会员:巧乐兹 更新时间:2014-05-18
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Abstract:Informatization is a national development to a higher productivity level symbol, the development of the Internet has greatly improved the quality of people's life. People can do to do a lot of things in reality by means of network. Non public figures can make use of the network to open their own privacy, which enhance the quality of people's lives, especially the significant aspects of the quality of spiritual life. But in the network environment of non public figures privacy disclosure brings a lot of problems. Non public figures to open individual privacy, open content what limit or restrict this a series of problems are unknown. The needle under the network environment for non public figures personal initiative public privacy laws and regulations have not been promulgated, other range law can cover this problem is very limited.

   On the basis of the relevant literature, the design of the questionnaire survey, statistical analysis of survey results. On this basis, the non public figures personal positive active public privacy and the existing problems are analyzed, and how to solve the existing problems and the future of the network environment how to restrict the public figures privacy disclosure scale recommendations.

Keywords: network environment; non public figures; personal privacy; active open

上传会员 巧乐兹 对本文的描述:目前来讲,网络环境下非公众人物个人隐私主动公开还是一个比较新的话题,单从网络上,非公众人物公开个人隐私的尺度而言,西方国家的人们公开的尺度要超越我们国家。这不是人......
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