
资料分类:计算机信息 上传会员:学大教育 更新时间:2013-10-07
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Abstract:Machine vision is studying how to make computer generated image data intelligent perception of a science. Object recognition in machine vision field a basic research, belonging to the realization of the image understanding target plays a vital role.

  This subject is the main research object recognition based on machine vision. Main method is use of machine vision technology, in computer processing ability, based on the strong for the collected image analysis, including image acquisition and processing image gray is changed and filtering processing, in order to extract the features to obstacles in pretreatment good image segmentation treatment and refining processing. So can undertake object recognition, construct environment map and achieve the effect of identifying obstacles. In the paper, a detailed analysis on the need to identify the object of the image processing algorithms, and in Windows operating system platform, realized by vc + + 6.0 on several basic module object recognition. A series of experiments show that the system with the result of the representative, have a certain application value.

  Use in machine vision, combined with the powerful computer processing capability, identification of obstacles, not only more intelligent and practical for further applications, the development and lay a solid foundation.

Key words : Machine vision, Object recognition, Image processing, Image segmentation, Feature extraction


上传会员 学大教育 对本文的描述:本课题主要研究基于机器视觉的物体识别。主要方法是对利用机器视觉技术,在计算机处理能力的强大基础上,对采集到的的图像进行分析处理,包括图象采集然后进行图像灰度化和滤......
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