
资料分类:计算机信息 上传会员:在职研究生 更新时间:2013-10-21
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  根据系统的具体需求,以J2EE为开发平台,采用Oracle10g为数据库,以MyEclipse8.5为开发工具,以Tomcat6.0 为服务器。系统采用瀑布模型,严格的按照软件工程开发的流程:可行性分析,需求分析,概念设计,详细设计,编码以及单元测试,测试进行相关的开发。系统采用更加友好的界面设计,更加简洁的操作,从而给用户带来更加舒适的用户体验。


关键词 实训员工交流管理平台;JSP;Struts2;Spring;MVC


Abstract:With the rapid development of IT in China, more and more people, for various considerations, are engaged in IT development industry. This brings unlimited business opportunities to education company engaged in IT education. However, there is one thing we should pay attention to that with the increase of training institutions, the quality of training has become an issue of trainees’ focus. How to solve this problem is imminent.

   The system has two types of roles: trainer and trainee. Module for trainer, the following functional modules which will meet the basic learning needs of the trainee: trainee online video learning modules, uploading and downloading of material, watch the learn video and issue article, modify personal data, take examination, sign in and sign out. Module for the trainee, set the following functions: upload learning video for specific trainee, release examination papers of specific phase. They are independent, at the same time, they are interrelated. Independent: the two different roles have different page layouts, different page styles. Relationship: the trainer will set the learn videos and examination papers of specific stage according to the trainee which stage they are in.

   Because of the specific needs of the system, J2EE is used to act as the development platform, the Oracle worked as the database, MyEclipse8.5 worked as development tools, Tomcat6.0 worked as the server. The system uses the waterfall model, and the whole proceess works as the process of the development of software engineering strictly: feasibility analysis, requirements analysis, conceptual design, detailed design, coding and unit testing, test-related development. The system uses a more user-friendly interface design, simple operation, giving users a more comfortable user experience.

   The system uses the MVC design pattern, M (Model) - the model layer, V (View) - view layer, C (Controller) - control layer. In the View layer, the system uses technologies such as JSP, HTML5, jQuery and Json to implement related functional requirements. In the Controller layer, using the Struts2 technology to achieve the purpose of processing the relevant request. In the Model layer, using the idea of the JavaBean design, the use of the IoC of Spring to get the instance. The idea of object-oriented design is also used in the system to design the database. 

Keywords  JSP  Struts2  Spring  MVC




上传会员 在职研究生 对本文的描述:系统采用MVC设计模式,M(Model)-模型层,V(View)-视图层,C(Controller)-控制层。在View层,本系统采用JSP、HTML5、Jquery以及Json等技术,实现相关的功能需求。在Controller层,采用Struts2技术......
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