
资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:xubanban 更新时间:2014-08-10
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关键词:上海自贸区 融资租赁 SPV SWOT


Abstract:The establishment of the Shanghai free trade zone, has made many pioneering in the field of financial innovation, the relevant provisions about the financing lease is a unique financial reform in Shanghai free trade zone, this paper takes Shanghai free trade zone under the financial reform and the relevant provisions about financing lease and the background of China's financial leasing industry development present situation, analyzing the

   financing lease companies affected by the Shanghai free trade zone, using the SWOT model, the analysis of financial leasing enterprises facing various opportunities and challenges as well as the effects of it.Starting from the overall, seeks to improve the financing lease business opportunity and way of behavior.

Key words: Shanghai FTZ Finance lease SPV

上传会员 xubanban 对本文的描述:本文在写作上最大的特点是理论分析与实践案例分析相结合,更好的论证了论点,首先在理论上,运用SWOT模型,从上海自贸区内企业的自身优劣点出发,结合外部环境的机遇和挑战,从......
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