
资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:xubanban 更新时间:2014-08-10
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关键词:上海通用 销售策略 服务营销 本土化 别克


Abstract: For more mature and rational family car consumer market in Shanghai, different innovation in service and targeted local strategy is significant. In this paper, we mainly focus on the concept translation in service marketing and elements to improve loyalty of customer. We do research on sales of three brands and market concentration to make clear GM brand's market position, viable development strategies. Through the analysis of marketing status, we try to make development of GM service marketing strategy to improve the business service marketing capabilities. In the meantime, attention should be paid on the joint venture localization strategy for the particularity of Shanghai GM China market. In the case of GM's Buick, specific strategic analysis and the feasibility of the above strategies have been shown. At the end of this article, we try to evaluate the current sales strategy and indicate its advantages and disadvantages for reference.

Key words: SGM marketing strategy service marketing localization

上传会员 xubanban 对本文的描述:上海通用的成功是否可以复制,合资企业的适应性策略应该如何知道,通用汽车在入驻中国的十几年间,凭借着适应性较强的本土化策略、全方位的服务营销战略而成为国内汽车企业翘......
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