
资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:我是小强 更新时间:2013-09-07
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Abstract:As a developing area in Chinese national economy, modern logistic was used rarely in the past. However, modern logistic is appearing in many provinces and cities currently and it’s being a very important part of Chinese national economy. Modern logistic has important impact in national industrial structure adjustment and enhance national economic competitiveness. With the fast developing of modern logistic recently, the growth of economy has a closer relation with development of logistic. Although modern logistic is appearing in MengZi, it was not meet the needs of market and people’s expectation due to the problems in the logistic development process.

   This research paper analyzes current situation of MengZi logistic. By using the SWOT analysis, the author will recognize the strength, weakness, opportunity and threats of MengZi logistic. Then we can find out the future development trends and objectives in order to establish a new and reasonable plan for the old method of MengZi logistic to speed up the systematization, marketization and standardization of logistic. As a result, the infrastructure of MengZi logistic could be improved. Then MengZi could build a powerful logistic industry, establish and complete a development policy system. Finally, the well developed modern logistic in MengZi can lead a stable and effective growth of MengZi economy. 

Keywords:Logistic; Situation; SWOT analysis; Development trend


上传会员 我是小强 对本文的描述:今后的发展制定一个合理的规划,改变原始老套的物流运作模式,推进物流服务的系统化,市场化和标准化,加强物流基础设施建设,打造强大的物流产业,建立并完善物流发展政策体......
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