
资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:我是小强 更新时间:2013-09-07
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Abstract:Yunnan is the national western region economic level backward province, in such circumstance, to the development of the information industry of Yunnan has caused some side effect. After half a century the struggle, information industry of Yunnan Province is growing, however, the country's development level of information technology in our province is still at a relatively low level. Exist slow development, lower utilization rate, unreasonable structure, management isn’t standard, development environment is pool, market is not sound etc. Role in supporting the development of Yunnan economy is still relatively weak. In addition to e-government foreign, the level of information in the western and the national rankings are later, telephone penetration rate and Internet penetration rate are lower than the national average. Information technology industry and information technology have not yet formed a pattern of mutually reinforcing, economic impact of the information industry has been gradually going deeper into every aspect of our daily life. This paper from speeding up the development of information technology and equipment manufacturing, energetically develop modern electronic information service, speeding up the modern information industry shift, speeding up the adjustment and upgrading of the industrial structure, strengthen overall planning and macro management, making development of information industry policies and regulations, actively cultivate the information market and to establish a central database, from several aspects to solve the problems of information industry in Yunnan province, making the information industry in Yunnan province better development, increasing the research efforts to the information industry in Yunnan to promoting rapid economic development.

Keywords:Yunnan; Information industry; Situation ; Problems; Countermeasures


上传会员 我是小强 对本文的描述:本文从加快发展信息技术、设备制造业和大力发展现代电子信息服务业,加快现代信息产业转变,加速产业结构调整和升级,加强统筹规划和宏观管理,制定信息产业发展的政策法规,......
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