
资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:我是小强 更新时间:2013-09-09
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关键词: 深圳市,绿色物流,SWOT分析,对策


Abstract:The green logistics is built on the basis of the maintenance of the ecological enviroment and sustainable development, change the one-way relationship of the general relationship of the general logistics. As a new mode of logistics, green logistic is conform to the requirement of the sustainable development and the survival and development of human, represent the future development direction and trend of logistics. As the leader of the Chinese logistics, Shenzhen has made some achievements in implementation of green logistics, but there has some problem in the rapid development of green logistics, for example in the adjustment and implementation of the policy about the support development of green logistics from the state and the government, the improvement of the logistics facilities and equipment, the integration of transport and the trainning of the logistics talent. A comprehensive understanding of these issues can help Shenzhen to find a good solution which can make the green logistics industry of Shenzhen to better conform with international. In this paper, using the SWOT analysis, learning from the successful experience of Germany, put forward the leap-forward strategy of green logistics industry of Shenzhen basic on the comprehensive analysis of the strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats of the development of the Shenzhen green logistics.

Key Words:Shenzhen city,green logistics,SWOT analysis,strategy


上传会员 我是小强 对本文的描述:采用SWOT分析法,在综合分析深圳市绿色物流业发展的内部优势、劣势和外部机遇、威胁的基础上,借鉴德国的成功经验,提出深圳市绿色物流业跨越式发展的策略......
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