
资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:我是小强 更新时间:2013-09-09
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关键词: 海运,丰顺船务,需求,战略,规划,发展


Abstract:With the arrival of the new century, the process of global economic integration accelerate, the enterprise faces was particularly intense competition environment, resources in the context of the global flow and configuration strengthened, the countries all over the world pay more attention to the development of the logistics to national economic development and people's livelihood quality and the influence of military strength, pay more attention to the modern logistics, so that the modern logistics present a series of new development trend. According to the new situation of the domestic and international logistics development, the future trend of the development of logistics can be summarized as information, network, automation, electronic, sharing, collaborative change, integration, intelligence, and mobile change, standardization, flexibility, socialization and globalization. However, along with the rapid development of network technology, shipping information technology revolution has entered a new stage. As the network rapid economic development, the needs of the customers with the development of e-commerce is from entity into the virtual trade deal, that is, through online transactions to meet the demand of the complete entity. With a global Internet as the foundation, integrating customers supply chain of each section of logistics and information, the tectonic meeting our customer's comprehensive virtual network, will become shipping enterprise in the new century for management performance value one of the important methods.

Key Words:By sea, Fengshun shipping, needs, strategy, planning, development


上传会员 我是小强 对本文的描述:由于网络经济迅速发展,客户的需求随着电子商务的发展正由实体交易转向虚拟交易,即通过网上交易完成对实体需求的满足。以全球性的互联网为基础,整合客户供应链各环节的物流......
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