
资料分类:经济学院 上传会员:我是小强 更新时间:2013-09-09
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Abstract:Of the 20 th century since the ninety's, the rapid development of Internet triggered a global wave of electronic commerce. Electronic commerce as a new way to trade, with its globalization, the network, to commercial activities, personalized dematerialisation bring the enormous influence. But at the same time the electronic business competition between enterprises is also more and more intense, in the fierce competition and derive a new business model-a rebate. This article through the swot analysis method, in view of the rebate in electronic commerce web site in the industry development to carry on the analysis, including the rise of rebate website, advantages and disadvantages of rebate site analysis was discussed. Through the analysis of these aspects, we can see that the site's own development and rebate of electronic commerce development of the whole industry has great to promote role. Visible rebate website enormous market potential, and wide prospect of development, so the site as a rebate a kind of electronic commerce mode, can the interests of consumers more and convenient.

Keywords:Rebate website, swot, rebate mode, improving measures




上传会员 我是小强 对本文的描述:本文通过swot分析法,针对返利网站在电子商务行业中的发展进行分析,其中包括返利网站的兴起,返利网站的优势劣势分析进行论述......
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